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Cov neeg uas HmongTours tau txais tos thiab tau pab dua los lawm cov lus tim khawv, nias mus nyeem  >>>> Next

Zaub Mov Hmoob

Mov Kuam

Hmong Red Chili Peppers
Hmong cuisine is influenced by the counties they migrated to during the war.  They consist of many spices and herbs.  Chilies, cilantro, ginger, green onion, garlic, mint, fish sauce, and oyster sauce are very popular ingredients.  Their three meals always include a portion of white rice and some hot sauce (kua txob) to add some fire to their meals.  Most meals will also include a small portion of meat and a few vegetables.  

Typical dishes are either boiled, steamed, or stir fried.  Hmong meals are considered very healthy.  In their native countries, they grow all their herbs, spices, and vegetables.  They also usually keep animals such as chickens, pigs and cows on hand.  Here in the US, most
Hmong still try to stay true to this.  Many families typically still grow their own gardens with native herbs and spices and harvest the seeds for the next year. They also will butcher their own meats, usually with another family to fill up their freezers.  This reduces chemicals and cost for Hmong families. 

Hmong families typically do not have a breakfast.  Sure, they may eat in the mornings but what it consist of does not differ too far from what they eat for lunch and supper.  Another difference is that Hmong families typically do not make or eat desserts.  For special
occasions, they will sometimes make a dessert called Nab Vam.  Nab Vam, called Tri-Color in the US, is served cold and typically consist of tapioca pearls and tapioca strings in three different colors.  It also has coconut milk and caramelized sugar to sweeten it up. 

There are more and more Hmong restaurants sprouting up in heavily Hmong populated areas.  A dish that is common in areas that Hmong people may be is Pho.  Pho is a soup that consists of rice stick noodles, beef steak, beef flavor paste, green onions, cilantros, chili
oil/paste, and then you decide what other flavors you would like to bring in.  Other ingredients would include, but definitely is not limited to, are sugar, lime, chili, and bean sprouts.   This recipe definitely comes from the Vietnamese but has also been perfected by Hmong people and seasoned to their taste. 
Nam Vam
(Known as Tri-Color)
3 different colors/shaped uncooked Tapioca
2 cans coconut milk
4 cups water
2 cups sugar
Banana extract
Boil 4 cups water and 2 cups sugar together until color of honey and all sugar is dissolved, burns very easily so watch closely.
Boil tapioca using directions from package.  Drain and run water through a couple of time  to keep them from sticking together. 
Thin out your coconut milk by adding 1 can water to the one can of coconut milk.
If making individual servings, put ½ cups of the different colored tapioca in cup, add ½ of coconut milk mixture, add 2 tablespoons of honey, and ice.  One drop of banana extract can be added at this point.  Stir together and serve with spoon.  You can also add just about any fruit of your choice.  Cantaloupe, honeydew, and lychee are pretty common. 
Traditional Hmong Recipe for Hot Sauce
Thai Chilies
Fish Sauce
Optional additional ingredients:
You will find this hot sauce at every Hmong home you visit.  Most families, like my wife’s family, have a year supply in the freezer.  It is made with Thai Chilies, also known as Birds Eye Chili.  They can be found at just about any Asian market or with most Hmong families that have a garden, these chilies take up a big chunk.  You can make as much as you like but it is very simple and easy to store for long periods of time.  Take the amount you want and take the stems off.  Throw in blender until evenly chopped.  Not liquid.  This can be stored in the freezer and small amounts can be served with fish sauce at every meal.  You can also add lime and cilantro to change it up.  Again, you will find this recipe at every traditional Hmong household.
*Wash your hands after every encounter with Thai Chilies.  They are very hot!

Traditional Hmong Recipe for Chicken Soup

1 whole chicken cut into larger pieces (farm fresh chickens are the best)
2 stocks of lemon grass
Salt and Pepper to taste

Using a stew pot, fill ¾ full of water.  Add lemon grass and all the pieces of chicken.  Add a teaspoon of both salt and pepper.  Cover and bring to a boil.  Soup is finished when chicken is fully cooked.  Taste liquid to see if more salt or pepper is needed. This traditional Hmong recipe is always served with rice with this poured on top and a couple pieces of chicken to be eaten like a soup.  Most Hmong families will have this meal once a week.  It is easy on the stomach and a Hmong staple. 

Khw Kev Hlub Nyob Nyablaj (Love Market In Vietnam)

Piv txog
Sapa yog ib lub chaw uas txhua haiv neeg nyob qab ntuj khwb paub txog. Sapa yob ib lub chaw uas cov neeg txawv tebchaws thiab hauv lub tebchaws Vietnam los xav mus saib tas li. Nyob rau hauv lub nroog Sapa muaj lub khw kev hlub nyob rau lub hauv nroog Sapa, Vietnam qaum teb kuj yog ib lub uas sawvdaws paub txog coob heev. Lub khw no nws muaj ob zaug. Lub khw no tsis yog rau cov Hmoob xwb, tseem yog rau cov Co tibsi thiab. Lub khwv no ib lub lim tiam no muaj ib zaug xwb. Lub khw no nyob kiag hauv lub nroog Sapa lub xeev Lao Cai ntawm Vietnam qaum teb.

Nkauj nraug
Lub khw no ib lub li tiam muaj rau hmo Satuday thiab Sunday. Hmo Satuday yog rau cov Hmoob tuaj. Hos hmo Sunday yog cov co. Khw kev hlub no tsis yog tuaj muag khoom nkaus xwb. Muag khoom nws yog ib qho me me xwb, tseem ceeb yog cov hluas tub hluas ntxhais tuaj nrhiav khub los yog tuaj sib ntsib rau hmo no.

Tawg qeej thiab dhia kaus
Cov tub uas txawj txawj tshuab qeej ces lawv tuaj tawg qeej rau cov ntxhais saib, cov ntxhais uas txawj txawj dhia kaus lawv tuaj dhia kaus rau cov tub thiab sawvdaws saib. Thaum lawv dhia dhia li no ib chim ces cov tub los tawg qeej ces cov ntxhais txawm los dhia kaus caum qab. Lawv tuaj tuaj dhia li no ntau zaug lawv sib ncawg lawm ces lawv sib tham ces ua tus hlub. Ib txhia lawv twb muaj lawm los lawv tseem tuaj, vim lawv yuav teem tuaj mus ntsib lawv me nplooj siab tus neeg uas lawv nco nco. Qhov no yog ib qho uas peb cov tub ntxhais hluas Hmoob nyiam tuaj rau Hmo no heev.

Nyob li ntawm cov Co los ib yam. Lawv mas lawv ho tsis tawg qeej, tiamsis lawv tuaj sib lwv hu nkauj. Qhov ntsiab lus kuj yog tuaj nrhiav khub ib yam nkaus. Lawv kuj sib teem ib yam Hmoob thiab. 

Cov Co

Yog koj tuaj mus ncig rau tebchaws no koj txhob Hnov qab mus ncaj rau ob hmos no. Koj yuav pom neej deb neeg ze, tej neeg txawv tebchaws uas tuaj ncig rau Sapa sawvdaws sawv puag ncig peb cov hluas tub hluas ntxhais Hmoob no. Hmo no kuj yog ib hmo uas lom zem rau sawvdaws kawg thiab, yog koj tseem tsis tau muaj tus xav nrhiav tus mas yog ib qhov chaw zoo rau koj ib yam.
Sib dhia

Tswvyim Yuav Tour Ncig Vietnam Pheejyig

Cat Ba Island
     Nyob rau nim no kev mus ncig tebchaws Vietnam muaj ntau hom nqi heev. Piv li kev mus saib Halong Bay. Mus Halong Bay mas nws muaj ntau tus nqi heev. Piv li tias koj tuaj txog tebchaws no koj mam li yuav mas yog koj mus ntsib tau tej qhov uas muag pheejyig ces koj tau pheej yig, yog koj mus tau tej qhov kim ces koj tau tus nqi ki. Qee zaug kim thiab pheej yig los luag yeej coj koj mus ib lub nkoj thiab, piv li tias yog koj mus ncaj tej lub sijhawm ua lubchaw ntawd lawv tab tom yuav xa kom ntau npaum ko tus neeg mus rau lub nkoj ntawd li uas tau cog lus tseg lawm no mas txawm lawv muag pheej yig txog qhov tsis tau paj ntsig los lawv yuav muag, tej txhia lawv tseem ntxiv nyiaj rau thiab.
Tejchaws Muag pib

   Yog xav tau nqi pheej yig mas mus yuav saum Online pheej yig tshaj, yog yuav saum Online mas lawv ua tus nqi pheej yig tshaj. Tiamsis ib qho uas yuav tau ceev faj mas yog koj yuav saum online tej txhia yog thaum koj tuaj txog mas lawv kheev kom yus ntxiv ub ntxiv no. Txhais tau tias nws ho yuav kom yus ntxiv nyiaj qhov ub qhov no. Hos yog xav yuav pheej yig mas thaum koj nyob koj tebchaws koj twb yuav ua ntej saum online mas zoo tshaj, nws pheejyij tshaj.

     Nyob rau Vietnam mas txhua yam li, Hotel, Tour, thiab kev noj haus tej mas thaum koj txog chaw thiab Online mas thaum twg Onllne yeej pheej yig dua li uas koj mus kiag ntawm chaw yuav. Vim cov neeg Vietnam lawv tab tom siv zog rau sab kev muag Online.

Muab sib piv:

Yam xaiv yuav
Qhov Zoo
Qhov tsis zoo
Yuav online
Tau tus nqi pheej yig
Tsis tso siab, thiab kheev raug ntxiv nyiaj thaum tuaj txog, tus yus tsis zoo heev.
Mus ntawm chaw yuav
Tso siab, tsis raug ntxiv nqi kiag li, luag tu yus zoo dua.
Tus nqi kim zog

Hmoob Lub peb caug Loj Tshaj

Keeb Kwm

Peb tsoom Hmoob tau khiav mus thoob plaws qab ntuj, mus rua txhua qhov. Peb Hmoob lub hauv paus nyob Suav teb peb Hmoob swb rog rau suav, thiaj ua rau Hmoob khiav ua sab ua sua mus rau ub rau no. Thiab khiav mus rau txhua lub tebchaws, peb tsis paub tseem hais tias Hmoob lub 30 yog lub twg tiag. Tiamsis nyob li cov Hmoob feem coob yog nyob rau Suav muaj li 12.000.000 tus Hmoob, thiab Nyablaj teb tseem muaj li 1.200.000 tus thiab.

YouTube Video

25 lub zos hmoob cov hluas tuaj koom ua si ntawm lub zos Loojnyeej xyoo 2011

Đạo Viện, Yên Sơn, Tuyên Quang

Hmoob lub sijhawm noj 30

    Tas nro ob pab Hmoob Suav thiab Nyablaj no lawv noj 1 lub 30, lawv yuav noj rau thaum lub 1 hlis no. Nyob li ntawm Hmoob Nyablaj lawv yuav noj rau thaum lub 1 hlis lub hli thoob qab ntuj yog lub 2 hlis txhua xyoo. Xyoo no tsoom Hmoob Nyablaj lawv yuav muaj ntau lub koom txoos uas yog Hmoob los sib sau ua ke. 

Hmoob Nyablaj ib txwm noj 30 tib hnub thiab tib lub sijhawm. Dhau li ntawd Hmoob Nyablaj muaj cov koom 30 uas hu hais tias "Hmoob Hauv Toj" cov no yog cov uas muaj Hmoob tuaj sib koom coob tshaj plaws. Thaum lawv tuaj no tus yuav ua dabtsi los muaj tas.

Hmoob Nyajlaj

     Cov hluas lawv tuaj nrhiav tus hlub, nrhiav poj niam nrhiav txiv. Thaum tuaj li no sawv daws tuaj ua ke no koj pom kuv kuv pom koj ces ho sib nyiam, tej txhia dhau kiag thaum 30 lawd lawv kuj sib yuav lawm los muaj thiab. Hos nyob li ib txhia ntawm tej thaj tsam, thaum lawv tuaj ua ke no cov tub tuaj pom cov hluas nkauj nyiam lawv cia li sib xyaum tuaj muab zij mus ua poj ua sev los kuj muaj.

     Nyob li ib txhia neeg laus lawv tuaj ces lawv mus saib Hmoob tuaj dhia paj nruag, tuaj ntsib phoojywg, Tuaj hais kwv txhiaj, tuaj noj haus, tuaj dhia tes taw,tuaj dhia txhuj ci Hmoob. Ib txhia kuj coj khoom tuaj muag, ib txhia tuaj muag zaub muag mov. Tej txhia los kuj tuaj ua si lom zem, muab hais tus yuav ua dabtsi los muaj tas.

     Hmoob Nyablaj lawv kuj muaj kev lom zem kawg thiab.Yav tag los Hmoob kuj tsis tuaj koom ua ke luaj twg, tiamsis tau ob peb xyoo no lub neej kuj zoo lawm ntau, nyias kuj muaj nyias tseb motor tej, sawvdaws nyias taus nyias tuaj sib koom yam coob kawg li thiab. Nyob li xyoo no lawv tseem yuav ua zoo tshaj txhua xyoo tag los. Peb vam thiab cia siab hais tias yuav tau saib lawv ua yam zoo tshaj no.

Hmoob Mekas Los Toj Tuag Tshaib Dawm Tuag No

Dawm Tuag No
       Toj Tuag Tshaib, Dawm Tuag No. Toj Kab Ntsig Dawm Kab No. Lo lus no yog ib los lus ua txhua tus Hmoob puav leej paub. No yog ib qhov keev kwm txog ntawm Hmoob. No yog ib qhov keeb kwm uas tsawg tiam los peb Hmoob tseem niaj hnub nco txog. Thaum peb ib pas nqus tsis tuaj ces txhua tus yuav tau rov los rau lub dawm no thiaj dhau mus rau dej liab dej ntsuab thiab mus rau Suav Teb.

       Thaum ub peb Hmoob poob teb poob chaw rau Suav teb peb thiaj tau khiav los mus hla Nyablaj teb. Los hla tus Dej Liab Dej Ntsuab los mus rau Toj Tuag Tshaib, Dawm Tuag No, thiab hla mus rau Moos Laim, mus rau Moos Theeb, mus rau Laos Tsuas, mus rau Thaib, mus rau Mekas thiab hla mus rau ntau lub teb chaws.

       Nim no peb cov Hmoob tseem tshuav cov uas nyob tom qab, tseem tshuav Hmoob coob nyob rau cov tebchaws no. Nim no tus Dej Liab Dej Ntsuab nyob kiag ntawm lub nroog Lào Cai, tus dej phua kiag hauv plawv nroog, thiab qhov tus Dej Liab thiab tus Dej Ntsuab los sib tshuam nyob kiag hauv no. Ntawm no ib sab yog Suav thiab ib Sab yog Nyablaj. Hos lub Toj Tuag Tshaib Dawm Tuag No, Toj Kab Ntsig Dawm Kab No ho nyob kiag ntawm lub dawm uas ntxee kiag Suab Puam (SAPA) thiab Moos Laim (Lai Châu). Mus ntawm Dej Liab Dej Ntsuab rau Toj Tuag Tshaib Dawm Tuag No yog kwv lam 60km.

Ntawm lub dawm ntxee mus

         Lub 30 no yog lub 1 hlis 25 xyoo 2012 peb muaj ib tsev neg Hnoob nyob tebchaws Mekas ib tus hu Peter Lor tau los saib lub dawm no. Thaum lawv los txog lawv kuj xav tsis thoob li. Kuj zoo siab tias los txog lawm, tsis xav tias yuav los txog, vim tsuag hnov luag tej laus ib txwm piav, thiab xav tias ntshe yuav yog thaum yus tuag thiaj tau los, tiam sis hnub no tau los txog lawm tiag tiag.

       Ib tsoom Hmoob yog leej twg xav paub yeej meem los, kav tsij los saib ua ntej thaum yus yuav dhau lub ntiaj teb no. Paub ua ntej tias tej no nws zoo li cas tiag tiag. Yog ib tus Hmoob lawm tsim nyob peb rov los saib peb tej poj koob yawg koob tej hneev taw.